Long time no blog!

So its not as easy as it seemed initially. You can't just punch away at these keys without any idea of what you want to talk about. It's a leap of faith - when you set out on this story with no idea where it would take you.

I do this a lot of times with my son. Together we invent interactive stories about an oddly familiar alter ego with magical properties. The stories are not canned, but always end up being interesting,consistent and new. The interactivity is challenging, and it keeps me struggling to create a new premise/learning objective every time. However, for my son the story comes naturally. Its quite an artform, really. I wonder if this was a popular artform in earlier times. If so, what was it called then? Did someone record the stories that unfurled in those conversations? Maybe Lord Google - protector of all worldly knowledge - would know this. Something to do on another intellectually fallow day.

Meanwhile Pajamamama needs more planets to go to! Any ideas?

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