Forming the writing habit...

For my entire life I have been a obsessive, compulsive reader. Now, I would like to become an obsessive compulsive writer. Here's why.

Reading books fills up my brain with other people's ideas...writing makes me process these ideas and turn them into my, de novo, ideas. This way I get to digest what I have just read.
Reading helps me fill time...writing forces me to make time to think deeply about things
Reading is fund...writing is even more fun

Now the challenge is to write meaningfully, and about things that matter to me. In that sense, it's an expression of my personality and my creativity. I think I will write about gardening, reading, starting a new business, business tips and so on.

Forming this habit won't be easy. For starters, ideas come to me when I am least capable of writing - when I'm driving, bathing, Yoga, on conference calls and so on. Now I will have to sit purposefully with a paper (to doodle and scrawl), or in front of my computer. Then, there's the issue of "business" issues versus "personal" thoughts. I guess I will have to move away from this anonymous blog and start a named blog as well. Been thinking of collaborating with a business school buddy to start a business blog with my...wait for it...real name!!

1 comment:

LC said...

hi kuhes dad im landon go to