The One Who Brings Joy to the Gods
(continuing The GodMen Chronicles)
Bespectacled, thin and tall, Dr. David Freeman looked every part the respectable cardiologist that he was. He had a very successful practice in New York before he attended Swami Mishtick's Meditation Retreat in northern California. He had spent his youth fascinated by eastern mysticism, and had dabbled in Buddhism for a few years. He had come across Swami Mishtick's followers a few times in his trips to India, and one of then convinced Dr. Freeman to attend the Retreat. Even at the time, $5,000 seemed a high price to pay, but he found the session absolutely worth it.
(Originally posted at http://rustus.blogspot.com)
Swamiji had the clearest eyes, clear as the bright blue New Mexico sky. His long flowing hair were a reminder of his previous birth as the Buddha and Krishna. His smile was radiant and disarming. And his words...oh! His words made easy the wisdom gathered over a thousand births. His voice could make time stand still. He talked about the time he spent meditating in the Himalayas. 12 years of silent contemplation gave him an inner fire that burns only in the most enlightened. He had the power to heal the sick, and bring back the dead. Such was his meditation in the Himalayas. There he discovered his past lives, and his future lives. He divined the reasons why his soul had descended to the Earth into this body. He had work to do in this life.
After he came back from his self-imposed exile from humanity, he took the name of Swami Mishtick, and he declared that he was an incarnate God, a true Avatar of the Buddha and Krishna. His duty in this life was to take humanity back to its' glorious ways, and show the world the true way to eternal bliss. He got busy setting up his first ashram in southern India. Then, he took his message internationally. When Dr. Freeman first met him, Swamiji's community was present in 32 countries, with 43 ashrams. About 21 million people counted themselves lucky to be Swamiji's followers.
"Shal-Aum", Swamiji had said to him. At first Dr. Freeman thought this was a little reference to his Jewish heritage. Later, he realized that this is the greeting Swamiji used with everyone. The Mishtiqiya community had it's own language, it's own customs, and it's own lifestyle.
Those 21 days were bliss-filled for Dr. Freeman. Swamiji paid special attention to Dr. Freeman, recognizing within him his old disciple from a previous birth. It was there, right there, that Swamiji inspired him to give up his earthly ambitions and join the ashram. "You will become 'Deva Ananda', the one who brings joy to the Gods", Swamiji said. Dr. Freeman sold off his practice, renounced his family ties, dedicated his entire life's savings (about $3.1 million) to Swamiji, and became Deva Ananda, the one who brings joy to the Gods.
Once in India, Deva Ananda was pleased to learn that Swamiji has recently blessed the creation of a super-specialty hospital in the very ashram he had been ordained at. Being a cardiologist, he could resume his practice at this ultra-modern hospital. This time, he would work for free, and his services would be available to the lowest strata of the society- the sick, the tired, the needy.
Soon, Deva Ananda settled into his ashram routine. Five years had gone by. Ashram life was all consuming. Swamiji was a strict disciplinarian and a hard taskmaster. The day began at 5am with meditation and prayers to Swamiji, and went on without stop until 10pm. There was no moment to rest. Swamiji wouldn't tolerate it in his ashrams.
In Swamiji's absence for meditation and travel, the affairs of Swamiji's trust and ashrams fell onto Swami Andaracharyaji. He had been a banker in his past life, until he was taken in by Swamiji, and initiated into the secret yoga. Swami Andaracharya was no ordinary Sanyasi- now dressed in flowing white robes, and a gray beard that were a sign of his years and his purity. It was Andaracharyaji who had Swamiji's blessing and a capacity to organize and manage the trust's community activities. He managed the flow of funds, and the build out for new ashrams.
Continued here...
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