The eyewitness experience...

Seeing with the mind's eye: Till late last week, I was sure I could trust my eyes. Then, something happened that changed my perspective on the eyewitness experience. The "story" that was playing in my mind altered what I "saw". My value judgement colored my perception, and my mind filled in details without me noticing. I recollected what I "saw" with 100% confidence - and later realized that it was very different from what actually happened.

So, take my advise, don't believe everything you see. Now, the story...

Here's what I *saw*: Last week I was taking a conference call outside my front door for 45 minutes in the evening. Sometime into the call, I see my neighbor - let's call her Laura - pull into her driveway with her son. The call got more interactive and animated at this point. Later, I hear Laura shouting - shouting - to get her teenage daughter to open the door. Maybe she even called for help. I pause the call, and walk over to another neighbor - Bob - to ask if we should call 911. We decide not to, since this is just a family quarrel. A few minutes later, I see Laura drive out in a rush with her son. A few minutes after, I see her daughter come out barefoot and crying out for Mama. Few more minutes and the cops come in. No problem so far, except that all that I saw was only partially true.

Here's what really happened: I find out later (news item here) that Laura's estranged husband had broken into the house, handcuffed and tied her and his teenage step-daughter, and kidnapped their son in Laura's car (which he stole, of course)!
That's not what I had seen at all, or was it. The cries were for help, and that was Ralph in the escaping car with the kid. And he had a gun and handcuffs to prepare for the kidnapping.

It's true, really!: Read or my review on "Stumbling on Happiness" to see that this is a scientific fact. My mind plays games with my eyes, and so does yours.

Think again!!

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