In case you're wondering about the title, the number 110 in hindi reads exodus.

The long instant
It seems like it has happened suddenly, but really, it has been building up quietly for some time now. Being a long timer in the same company means that one by one all the old timers start to leave to do their own thing. I didn't notice it at first, but it seems like of late there's been a rush to the exit doors. A sudden exodus of departing friends.

Why do we work?
Needless to say, we work for the money. Not really though. We work because it provides us a context to live in, and provides us with lasting relationships and a stream of external stimuli which informs our sense of self. In a sense, where we work defines who we are. Our network of relationships and the constant give and take of this network gives us the energy we need to bring us back into office everyday!

"Friend" shaped hole in my personality

I am defined (even to myself) by the context I operate in. My context is driven by the people around me, and the social web of relationships I have with them, and they have with each other. When an old friend (and one with whom you have had a long history of exchanges) leaves the network, his departure creates a hole in my immediate vicinity. This friend-shaped-hole then brings into question my own sense of self, my identity, and the meaning of my own existence. In other words, it bring out the question "why am I here", here in this company, here in this country, here with these people, here in this life, and here with this new network!

Company of strangers
Not to mention the stress of making friends with strangers, and making sense of this new network of relationships, and remaking my own personality in this new context.

Back to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How true:) While my Hindhi does not help me with the 110 extension. . . the concept is truly capitivating. Many theories and papers have been published on retention and engagement at work. Many great leaders have been awarded and many greater companies have been provided more accolades than they can handle. But nobody has paid any attention, leave alone give credit, to the poor 'employee' the cog in the wheel, who ties the core with the periphery. The 'cog' with other 'cogs' link together and form their own network and gain their own strength. From it with some intellect forms a network that can think, enrich, develop and grow. Anyway. . . rant aside. . . the informal network and friendships at the workplace are very powerful adhesives. Adhesives that can keep us together, till something overwhelming or a stage compelling enough comes to unhinge oneself from the wheel, but retain the linkages and valuable relationships developed during the time going round and round. . .